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Tuolumne Meadows and Lembert Dome during a summer storm, Yosemite National Park

The Moon is Waning Crescent (4% of Full)



Re: Moose Lake Redux

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Moose Lake Redux
August 22, 2011 09:48PM
A bit of a repeat from last year's trip, but Moose Lake makes for a wonderful overnight destination and is worth a return.

According to the wilderness permit office on Tuesday, the latest report on Friday the week prior was that there were a few spots around Moose Lake clear of snow, and at the visitor center at Lodgepole the board claimed 20% coverage between Pear and Moose. In fact, snow was basically a non-issue for our trip--the few places we did cross snowfields were easily avoided for the snow-adverse. Moose Lake was essentially clear of snow, and coverage between it and Pear was maybe 5%, probably less. On the other hand, the mosquitoes were quite bad around 10,000', mostly in the basin south of Moose Lake and the meadows between Moose and Pear.

At Panther Gap, we encountered a group of three hikers also going to Moose Lake. We met up with them again in Alta Meadow, where they asked if they could hike with us to the lake, where they were going to meet up with another group already there, since we were familiar with the route. However, they quickly decided they wanted to head straight for the ridge instead of dropping into the meadow. We never saw them again.

On the topo map the Alta Meadow trail continues to the east edge of the meadow, but the trail is just a faint track past the small stream and campsites at the upper, west end of the meadow. Due to the wet winter, there was a great wildflower display in the meadows, especially for August.

From Alta Meadow the trail to Moose Lake hasn't been maintained in years, and it is even more faint. It seems to die for good in "Last Chance Meadow", the second creek encountered after leaving Alta Meadow.

However, past "Last Chance" it reappears as a sandy gully and climbs just west of the creek and trees to the east of the meadow. The steep trail is quite rutted here, and there is evidence of old "water bars" built to control the erosion. This trail fades out at the top of the ridge, where it overlooks the two small lakes to the south of Moose Lake. From the top of the ridge, the path heads west--staying just south of the talus--to a well-ducked "gap" where the trail crosses the ridge and drops into the basin south of Moose Lake. From here, the path is mostly obvious and well-ducked to the south shore of Moose Lake.

We did hear a few shouts for the party we had left in Alta Meadow, but didn't see them--or anyone else--at Moose Lake. We did have some company at camp, however.

Although the day had been clear, the winds were blowing smoke from a nearby fire towards the Great Western Divide, slowly obscuring the vistas.

From Moose to Pear, the route is mostly easy cross-country travel with several beautiful lakes and meadows along the way. The most difficult part is perhaps the final drop into Pear Lake.

A solitary dead tree serves as a landmark along this route--we stayed to the south of it, but there are many possible routes between Moose and Pear. There is a use trail in the "Green Mile"--a grassy slot that eventually drops into Pear Lake.

Just before Emerald Lake, we passed the first people we had seen since Alta Meadow; Pear Lake had been vacant.

Here is a GPS track of the cross-country section of the trip. From Alta Meadow to Moose Lake, with a few minor deviations, this route follows the old unmaintained trail:

More Pictures
Re: Moose Lake Redux
August 23, 2011 12:23AM
Beautiful - thanks for sharing. smiling smiley
avatar Re: Moose Lake Redux
August 23, 2011 06:13AM
Sweet. Tanks for Sharon Aaron.

smiling smiley

You had me contemplating this from your previous trip report.
Keep them coming peas

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Moose Lake Redux
August 23, 2011 02:31PM
Hey, that's a cool trip - we're doing that this weekend. Taking my fishing pole. smiling smiley Thanks for the preview.
avatar Re: Moose Lake Redux
August 23, 2011 04:00PM

Hey, that's a cool trip - we're doing that this weekend. Taking my fishing pole. smiling smiley

Please don't be cruel and disturb the fish. Leave that fishing pole at home. wink
Re: Moose Lake Redux
August 23, 2011 08:04PM
Disturb? Nothing better than fried trout on the trail.
avatar Re: Moose Lake Redux
August 23, 2011 08:46PM
Nothing better than fried trout on the trail.

I suppose they're better on the trail than making me eat them.
Re: Moose Lake Redux
August 25, 2011 11:12PM
Nothing better than fried trout on the trail.

I suppose they're better on the trail than making me eat them.

No worries there. You can't have any of mine.
avatar Re: Moose Lake Redux
August 26, 2011 05:36PM
Nothing better than fried trout on the trail.

I suppose they're better on the trail than making me eat them.

No worries there. You can't have any of mine.

You can keep them, Smeagol.
avatar Re: Moose Lake Redux
August 28, 2011 08:26PM
Smeagol doesn't like his fish cooked.
Re: Moose Lake Redux
August 23, 2011 02:47PM
I must say, I don't get the naming of the lake.

No moose around there for, oh... a long, long way.
avatar Re: Moose Lake Redux
August 23, 2011 03:52PM
It should be called Snuffleupagus Lake

(* yes I'm amusing myself again)

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Moose Lake Redux
August 24, 2011 07:05AM
I have read in a few places that Moose Lake got its name because (to some) it looks like a moose on the maps... I don't see it.
Re: Moose Lake Redux
August 24, 2011 12:20PM
I have read in a few places that Moose Lake got its name because (to some) it looks like a moose on the maps... I don't see it.

That's alright. There's a gorgeous vernal pond about 1-1.5 miles east of TM High Sierra Camp that I try to visit every year to shoot, and because it's seasonal, there's no name.

So I named it "Ducks With Chainsaws Lake".

It's got a certain ring to it.
avatar Re: Moose Lake Redux
August 23, 2011 06:12PM
Interesting loop, thanks.
Re: Moose Lake Redux
August 24, 2011 07:31AM
It's beautiful. Where is the trailhead?
avatar Re: Moose Lake Redux
August 24, 2011 07:35AM
It's beautiful. Where is the trailhead?

Wolverton in Sequoia.
avatar Re: Moose Lake Redux
August 24, 2011 10:34AM

Wolverton in Sequoia.

Just a little bit of trivia, Wolveton in Sequoia National Park was the location of the Wolverton Ski Bowl, with four rope tows and a poma lift. (Badger Pass inside Yosemite wasn't the only alpine ski area within a California National Park.) The rope tows and poma lift were removed in 1990. Wolveton is still the center of cross-country skiing in Sequoia.
avatar Re: Moose Lake Redux
September 05, 2011 03:38PM
This was one of my favorite hikes. Did it three times but always from Pear Lake to Moose and out via Alta Meadow. I want my ashes spread on the ridge above Moose. last time I did it was along time ago but heard that the fish had been eliminated a few years later. Has it been restocked?
Re: Moose Lake Redux
September 05, 2011 03:43PM
I don't know if it was restocked, but the brookies currently in it bite every other cast regardless of what you're using.
avatar Re: Moose Lake Redux
September 06, 2011 11:30AM
Trout from Moose Lake 1982 - not brook? not sure.

"Ah but I was so much older then , I'm younger than that now"
Tony ferrari

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 09/06/2011 11:38AM by tonyferrari.
avatar Re: Moose Lake Redux
September 05, 2011 06:17PM
(I fixed your image link)


This was one of my favorite hikes. Did it three times but always from Pear Lake to Moose and out via Alta Meadow. I want my ashes spread on the ridge above Moose. last time I did it was along time ago but heard that the fish had been eliminated a few years later. Has it been restocked?

avatar Re: Moose Lake Redux
September 06, 2011 09:18AM
Thanks for fixing it. I have still not figured out how to make my links work - any suggestions?

avatar Re: Moose Lake Redux
September 06, 2011 09:45AM

Thanks for fixing it. I have still not figured out how to make my links work - any suggestions?


The simplest method for linking an image to one's post on this site is to simply 'right-click' on the image you want to link. On most web browsers, a contextual pop-up menu should appear with one of the options being "Copy Image URL" (or other words to that effect). Select that option. That will copy the image's URL to your computer's clipboard.

Then in your message in this forum, click on the Insert image URL icon () located on your message box toolbar (located just above where you type your message) and then paste the Image URL that you have previously copied to your computer's clipboard into the dialog box that popped up. That's it!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/06/2011 09:46AM by plawrence.
avatar Re: Moose Lake Redux
September 06, 2011 02:19PM
Thanks. Tried it and it worked

"Ah but I was so much older then , I'm younger than that now"
Tony ferrari
avatar Re: Moose Lake Redux
September 06, 2011 09:21AM
I just noticed your mention of the snag on ridge between Pear and Moose. We always used that as the direction marker on the way from Pear to Moose. We used to scramble straight up out of Pear and then head for the snag. That was in the late 70s and early 80s. Glad to hear it is still there.
Re: Moose Lake Redux
September 06, 2011 09:29AM
Yep, it's still there, although I've seen pictures that indicate someone tried to take an axe to it (?!)
Re: Moose Lake Redux
June 08, 2014 06:05PM
Very cool! Planning this same loop for this weekend. I just got a GPS and I'm hankering to play around with it. Any chance you still have the track from your trip that you'd be willing to share?
Re: Moose Lake Redux
June 10, 2014 07:34AM
There are still significant snow patches in the basin above Pear - we went over to Table Meadows where there was less snow on the ridge. Ice in the lake, snowbanks needed to be glissaded down to get to it.

There are 1,000,000,000,000 mosquitoes waiting for you.
avatar Re: Moose Lake Redux
June 14, 2014 01:13PM
How close did you actually get for that photo of the pica? I've only seen them scattering thru the grass at a good distance, never this close up. Great shot.
Re: Moose Lake Redux
June 16, 2014 09:14AM
The pika was maybe 10-15' from me...

PRO TIP: Most high-altitude rodents spend a lot of time seeking out salt (some going as far as to chew on boots, hiking pole handles, car parts...) Most hikers have salt-rich diets. Salt is water soluble.

Just saying...
Re: Moose Lake Redux
June 16, 2014 09:32AM
We had zero mosquitos at our camp at Moose (we camped at the saddle on the southwest side where the old use trail ends). We ended up just going Wolverton --> Alta Meadow --> Moose and back the next day. My hiking partner had altitude sickness, so we decided to forego the hike up out of Moose and back around to Pear. Gorgeous still!
Re: Moose Lake Redux
June 18, 2014 09:35PM
Glad you made it to Moose! I'd be okay returning as you did. Lovely walk any which way you cut it!
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