Due to some lucky campsite reservation website mojo, I got to spend a week camping in the valley! The first day, I got to travel from Tenaya Lake to the valley via Clouds Rest. The mosquitoes were bad going up to the Sunrise junction, where there were some lingering patches of snow, but there were few bugs and little snow after that. From the summit, I could see how little snow there was in the high country. I left a treat for my friend Chick-on, but he never showed up...
Just off the trail south of Clouds Rest, I saw some strange metal ring... an old iron-age Chick-on trap? Ring used to lower rocks into place while building the park?
On the way down from Clouds Rest we went by the Quarter Domes, where I got to sit on a balanced rock and in the jaws of Chick-on's friend Sharkie while watching people climb the Half Dome cables in the heat.
Sunday was a rest day. Unfortunately the Ahwahnee charged me full price for the Grand Buffet even though I eat like a bird. (But, the chick-on strips were especially good...)
On Monday I got to go up the Four Mile Trail and check out a special place Chick-on helped re-discover.
(Background: picture 1 and picture 2.)
That afternoon it rained, but the storm cleared by evening and the sunset was magnificent.
The next day I got to fly up to Sierra Point. The old trail is seeing a lot of use and some of the stonework is falling apart, but the views are still worth it. I would have been scared looking down at the folks on the Vernal Falls trail if I didn't have wings...
The next day I was back in the high country, following the Tuolumne down the Pothole Dome/Little Devils Postpile route. The Tuolumne was very low--more like August than early June. Only patches of the recent snowstorm were still present.
The evenings hanging out by the fire at "Camp REI" roasting marshmallows with friends and family were all fun. Conditions in the valley were generally nice, and mosquitoes were few.
With luck, I'll be back soon!
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Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/12/2012 08:18PM by basilbop.