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Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag

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avatar Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 06, 2012 08:08PM
[The posting has been flagged for removal by Craigslist]

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/06/2012 10:37PM by plawrence.
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 07, 2012 01:26PM
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 07, 2012 07:11PM

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/09/2012 11:40AM by sactown23.
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 07, 2012 07:34PM
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 07, 2012 08:11PM
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 08, 2012 01:02PM
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 08, 2012 06:58PM
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 09, 2012 09:07AM
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 09, 2012 10:33AM

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/09/2012 11:41AM by sactown23.
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 09, 2012 11:41AM

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/09/2012 12:29PM by sactown23.
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 09, 2012 12:29PM

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/09/2012 01:27PM by sactown23.
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 09, 2012 01:28PM

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/09/2012 04:33PM by sactown23.
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 09, 2012 03:03PM

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/09/2012 04:33PM by sactown23.
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 09, 2012 08:29PM
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 09, 2012 10:09PM
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 09, 2012 10:47PM
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 10, 2012 12:02AM
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 10, 2012 08:18AM
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 10, 2012 03:55PM

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/10/2012 05:21PM by sactown23.
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 10, 2012 07:33PM
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 11, 2012 07:00AM
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 11, 2012 07:09AM
that is a lot of dates. He must be using some kind of robot program. I wonder if going back to phone only would solve this?
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 11, 2012 08:02AM
You might be right about that.
Reserve America and/or Active Works is the reservation contractor. It resembles credit card companies as management is unapproachable, unresponsive to this situation.
Why would they? They have most of the country (national, state, county and KOA) tied up in reservation services. They have a set long term government contract with National Parks.
No gain for them to fix it. Add the inevitable bureacracy of the National Parks and we're left with grass roots solutions such as this forum.
Sactown23, Plawrence, and Eeek are making a difference. I've noticed Trans dates are not very "fluid", same dates posted over the weeks.
I think the campaign being conducted here is working.
I suspect he'll have to revert print ad's if this keeps up and I believe papers have stricter oversight.
I really appreciate the work being done on this forum.

Reserve America/Active management are:
David Dutch is the General Manager and VP of Technology, Active Outdoors. He's the bottom line guy responsible for "fixing the system"
Frank Helwig is the VP of Product Management at Active, responsible for managing "Web Consumer Portals".
Gary Evans is Director of Contact Centers. His job is ensure the "400+ Highly Skilled Customer Care and Reservation Specialists to provide the camping public the most consumer friendly reservation making experience possible".
The problem is reaching these guys.
Working on that.
A concerted email campaign might get their attention.
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 11, 2012 08:09AM
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 11, 2012 09:02AM
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 11, 2012 09:04AM
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 11, 2012 10:02AM
Reference my post above

Active Network is a Canadian company with corporate "headquarters" in San Diego.
The Reserve America office (subsidiary of Active) is in Sacramento.
I suspect the most effective approach is to start at the top with emails and correspondance complaining about
the rampant hacking of their system by hackers (aka Tran/Tanner).
A snowballing email campaign would be effective --- perhaps leading to more media attention.

Corporate headquarters email address:


The Active Network – Corporate Headquarters
10182 Telesis Court, Suite 300
San Diego, CA 92121

Reserve America:

Sacramento Office (ReserveAmerica)
1825 Bell St, Suite 215
Sacramento, CA 95825
Contact: Christin Pannell
Phone: 1-800-370-7613 x22930
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 11, 2012 10:11AM
I would be happy to send an email, but I don't know the details of the problem as it relates to them.
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 11, 2012 10:51AM
This is the email I attempted to send Active, and my take on the "gross" scalping situation occurring on Craigslist.

I have a grave concern about the technical integrity of Reserve America's reservation system as it is applied to campground reservations for Yosemite Valley Campgrounds.
The current system is obviously flawed. I submit, below, a posting copied from Craigslist in San Francisco, Ca.
How is this possible, unless this individual has "hacked" the Reserve America system.
I am dreadfully familiar with the Yosemite reservation system.
It is literally impossible for someone to acquire the consecutive dates and campsites below through manual interface, let alone by phone.
How many more campgrounds and businesses are being compromised?
I'm surprised this deficiency has not received more media attention.
If this individual can hack campsites and change names within the system what is to prevent him from doing the same with credit card information.
This is quite alarming.
I have cancelled my account with Reserve America and I'm recommending all my friends do the same.
If you have a remedy for this situation then public should be informed.

Yosemite Camp (glen park)

Date: 2012-07-11, 7:24AM PDT
Reply to: 6kjb9-3132292356@sale.craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]

Yosemite campsites available... Need help securing a campsite or two in Yosemite? Let me know. Reservations will be in your name for easy check-in and can be verified before your trip. There is a limit of 6 persons per campsite but multiple sites may be possible.

Sat Jul 14 2012 - Sat Jul 21 2012 (7 nights)
Sat Jul 21 2012 - Sat Jul 28 2012 (7 nights)
Wed Jul 25 2012 - Wed Aug 01 2012 (7 nights)
Sun Jul 29 2012 - Sun Aug 05 2012 (7 nights)
Tue Aug 14 2012 - Tue Aug 21 2012 (7 nights)

Other dates are available... number of nights can be reduced. Let me know your interested dates.
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 3132292356
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 11, 2012 01:33PM
Does anyone have any proof or confirmation that scalping is even going on this year?

What if this guy is just playing a big practical joke by putting up bogus Craigslist ads just do folks here will chase them? Has Yosemite confirmed they are still getting campers who are showing up for sites they didn't originally buy? Has anyone talked to Campsite Hosts or other officials to get more info on this whole scheme?

Or worse, what if the guy is really trying to sell "camp sites" he never bought in the first place? I suppose he could dummy up a fake email confirmation and send that to his customers. But then has anyone heard about folks showing up at a campsite with a counterfeit reservation?

Regardless the explanation as provided by Blue Moon's email to ReserveAmerica just seems so unlikely to me especially when compared to other more likely, or at least less complicated, alternative explanations. I thought the system requiring registered party to check in was supposed to solve all this after last year. Does anyone have any more information?
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 11, 2012 04:33PM
There is an ongoing investigation into Tran/Tanners scalping by the Justice Department.
It's a tough go since there's no "law" about scalping per se, only NPS reg's.
This guy is a scalping with an interfacing program, there is no doubt.
I suggest you read this article.

The NPS is aware of who has scalped tickets, name changed or not, and it is an ongoing problem.
On March 15th, 2012, between 7AM and 7:08 the Reserve America site received 3200 "hits" for Yosemite Valley Campgrounds.
Eight minutes.
You don't have to know a lot about computers or algorithms to see what's going on here.
"There oughta be a law" really applies here.
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 11, 2012 05:11PM
I'm familar with the article and have talked to rangers about the issue. But using a computer system to rapidly buy up campsites is a whole lot different than hacking a system to allow changes in reservations, names, and credit card information. I haven't heard any evidence that the latter is happening. And the system that requires the named reservation holder to check-in was supposed to alleviate the scalping issue.

I'm not trying to be naive but has anyone actually confirmed scalping THIS year as opposed to the issues from last year covered in the article posted? I have visions of some stupid (actually more bored than stupid) 8th grader with nothing else to do in the summer creating, deleting, and re-creating bogus Craigslist ads for the fun of it. Even the taunting emails suggest to me that this is all a game rather than anyone actually hacking systems. Has anyone heard of evidence where campers are showing up at Yosemite campsites with duplicated confirmatons?

And again, a much less complicated explanation is that the guy is simply making up reservations he never owned in the first place and selling those. That would be relatively easy to do. Get a real reservation, use the confirmation email to dummy up counterfeit confirmations, and presto, you have an unlimited amount of reservations you could sell. But if that is the scenario, then at least real campers are fairly getting the real reservations. And I thought that was the prevailing reason why folks here are so involved in trying to protect the National Park for the real campers.
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 11, 2012 05:43PM
I'm familar with the article and have talked to rangers about the issue. But using a computer system to rapidly buy up campsites is a whole lot different than hacking a system to allow changes in reservations, names, and credit card information. I haven't heard any evidence that the latter is happening. And the system that requires the named reservation holder to check-in was supposed to alleviate the scalping issue.

I'm not trying to be naive but has anyone actually confirmed scalping THIS year as opposed to the issues from last year covered in the article posted? I have visions of some stupid (actually more bored than stupid) 8th grader with nothing else to do in the summer creating, deleting, and re-creating bogus Craigslist ads for the fun of it. Even the taunting emails suggest to me that this is all a game rather than anyone actually hacking systems. Has anyone heard of evidence where campers are showing up at Yosemite campsites with duplicated confirmatons?

And again, a much less complicated explanation is that the guy is simply making up reservations he never owned in the first place and selling those. That would be relatively easy to do. Get a real reservation, use the confirmation email to dummy up counterfeit confirmations, and presto, you have an unlimited amount of reservations you could sell. But if that is the scenario, then at least real campers are fairly getting the real reservations. And I thought that was the prevailing reason why folks here are so involved in trying to protect the National Park for the real campers.

my friend replied to one of the craigslist ads with various emails as a "potential buyer"

same promise to "guarantee" having the campsite in his name and as my friend worked him a bit to the point of asking where to send the payment, the paypal address was once again the same David Tran.

Doubt an 8th grader would (even if he had a paypal account with a credit card) go as far as giving someone their paypal address.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/11/2012 05:43PM by sactown23.
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 11, 2012 08:11PM
There is not a lot of "verification" that can be shared in this open forum.
Tran is "acquiring" valid reservations and is changing the names to his "buyers" on Craigslist
There is an interdepartmental estimate that Tran has pocketed, over the past two reservation periods, $40,000 to $60.000.
Tax evasion is a consideration.
I talked a camper in a 40 foot Prevost motor home over Memorial Day Weekend in 2011.
He paid 150.00 per day for a 5 consecutive days in the same site, purchased on Craigslist from Tran.
He said he would have paid more to get the campsite, due to his impacted schedule.

Look through this forum topic.
It is begun anew each month because of the volume of posts by Tran.
This is not the work of an 8 year old.
It's the work of a motivated thief.

For those of you who understand, Flag On!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/11/2012 08:12PM by Blue Moon.
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 11, 2012 08:25PM
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 11, 2012 08:56PM
Blue Moon
There is not a lot of "verification" that can be shared in this open forum.

Go here http://yosemitenews.info/forum/list.php?11
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 11, 2012 10:03PM

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/11/2012 10:05PM by shaunsmomo.
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 11, 2012 10:05PM
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 11, 2012 10:36PM
Okay, I'll shutup and keep on flagging. ;-) But that link doesn't work for me.
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 12, 2012 07:34AM
The energy and persistance of this forum is pretty amazing.
This link is a wealth of information (i.e., history) about this problem.
It also is a gauge of of the forums success.
It would appear be that Tran is the only real scalper left standing.
This must be his bread and butter.
His profession.
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 12, 2012 07:38AM
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 12, 2012 08:46AM
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 12, 2012 06:47PM
Blue Moon
There is not a lot of "verification" that can be shared in this open forum.
Tran is "acquiring" valid reservations and is changing the names to his "buyers" on Craigslist
There is an interdepartmental estimate that Tran has pocketed, over the past two reservation periods, $40,000 to $60.000.
Tax evasion is a consideration.
I talked a camper in a 40 foot Prevost motor home over Memorial Day Weekend in 2011.
He paid 150.00 per day for a 5 consecutive days in the same site, purchased on Craigslist from Tran.
He said he would have paid more to get the campsite, due to his impacted schedule.

Look through this forum topic.
It is begun anew each month because of the volume of posts by Tran.
This is not the work of an 8 year old.
It's the work of a motivated thief.

For those of you who understand, Flag On!

That's just sickening to be stealing that kind of money on taxpayer's backs while the NPS can't even afford to staff their parks in full. I really hoped all this garbage would end once they made the campsites non-transferrable. Is the park still looking the other way on the people who buy his scalped sites?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/12/2012 06:49PM by mbear.
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 12, 2012 08:02PM
The Rangers are now manning the campground kiosks the majority of the time (instead of Camp Host Volunteers) to carry out camper check-ins and identification.
As of May, when campers attempted to check in with scalped reservations LE was notified, who in turned "interviewed" the camper
and then the campers were allowed to utilize the reservation after paying an additional 20.00 per day.
It's kinda like regulated generator hours, the bottom line seems to duck and weave.
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 12, 2012 08:29PM
Blue Moon
The Rangers are now manning the campground kiosks the majority of the time (instead of Camp Host Volunteers) to carry out camper check-ins and identification.
As of May, when campers attempted to check in with scalped reservations LE was notified, who in turned "interviewed" the camper
and then the campers were allowed to utilize the reservation after paying an additional 20.00 per day.
It's kinda like regulated generator hours, the bottom line seems to duck and weave.

That's disappointing to hear the NPS isn't enforcing their own regulations. What a joke.
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 12, 2012 08:39PM
That's disappointing to hear the NPS isn't enforcing their own regulations. What a joke.
How are they going to enforce it? Ruin an innocent person's vacation over $20?

Do you have Tran's address? Call the IRS.
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 12, 2012 09:01PM
That's disappointing to hear the NPS isn't enforcing their own regulations. What a joke.
How are they going to enforce it? Ruin an innocent person's vacation over $20?

Do you have Tran's address? Call the IRS.

Yes, they should. If the reservation isn't transferable then Tran's guilty of fraud, and when people start complaining to law enforcement about him stealing their money maybe something actually gets done. If you're not buying that campsite from recreation.gov then it isn't a legit purchase.
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 13, 2012 06:55PM
Yes, they should. If the reservation isn't transferable then Tran's guilty of fraud, and when people start complaining to law enforcement about him stealing their money maybe something actually gets done. If you're not buying that campsite from recreation.gov then it isn't a legit purchase.
Ruining someone's vacation is not something the park service wants to do so I don't believe that would be an option.... yet.

And I was serious about the IRS remark. Call them. Give me his address and I'll call. There might be a reward of 15 to 30 percent. He has to be making over $200,000/year though.
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 12, 2012 09:10PM
]How are they going to enforce it? Ruin an innocent person's vacation over $20?

How is buying a non-transferable reservation from a scalper innocent?
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 12, 2012 09:24PM
]How are they going to enforce it? Ruin an innocent person's vacation over $20?

How is buying a non-transferable reservation from a scalper innocent?

It makes me feel like finding and flagging these posts is a complete waste of time this year if the NPS isn't going to enforce their own regulation. Last year it was needed because transfer wasn't explicitly prohibited, but this year the NPS actually has the ability to make it stop. If they're going to continue looking the other way then Tran has won and there's no point in us playing a game we can't win.
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 13, 2012 07:07AM
Several state and federal agencies are involved in this problem.
It requires a concerted effort to bring someone like Tran down while
closing the loopholes that created his opportunity. Anyone who has
participated in a bureacracy might appreciate the complexity of this undertaking.
Think of Al Capone.
What we are doing here is important.
Its the right thing to do.
A letter or email to your political representatives or creating any media attention can
"help" this process/investigation along. It's a matter of making it a priority.
Everybody needs motivation.
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 13, 2012 06:56PM
It makes me feel like finding and flagging these posts is a complete waste of time this year if the NPS isn't going to enforce their own regulation. Last year it was needed because transfer wasn't explicitly prohibited, but this year the NPS actually has the ability to make it stop. If they're going to continue looking the other way then Tran has won and there's no point in us playing a game we can't win.
There might be something going on in the background that we do not know about.
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 13, 2012 09:18AM
That's disappointing to hear the NPS isn't enforcing their own regulations. What a joke.

How are they going to enforce it? Ruin an innocent person's vacation over $20?

Do you have Tran's address? Call the IRS.

The person who bought the the campsite illegally isn't innocent. Just like someone who buys illegally prescription drugs isn't innocent.

At the very least, the ranger should refuse to check-in the camper and let the camper scramble for some other first-come, first-serve campsite or one that's outside the park.

Hopefully, they would pass a law or regulation where those who illegally purchase a campsite get fined too.
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 13, 2012 09:24AM
They said they are making them pay $20 a night when they check it. So it sounds like they are cancelling the transferred reservation, and giving it to those people, as if it was first come first served.

If the word gets around that people are going to pay an ADDITIONAL $20 per night when they arrive, perhaps they will think twice. Or maybe not...
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 13, 2012 10:02AM

They said they are making them pay $20 a night when they check it. So it sounds like they are cancelling the transferred reservation, and giving it to those people, as if it was first come first served.

I think that's how the Park Service is rationalizing their decision to let these campers who illegally obtained their campsite reservation to keep their campsite. Which isn't really deterrent since they had already purchased the campsite from Tran for about $150 or more per night. So what's an extra $20/night spent on it. It's just like a Ticketmaster service fee. No deterrent at all, I would say.
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 13, 2012 09:50AM
At the very least, the ranger should refuse to check-in the camper and let the camper scramble for some other first-come, first-serve campsite or one that's outside the park.

Hopefully, they would pass a law or regulation where those who illegally purchase a campsite get fined too.

They should take their names and not let them camp in that campground that night. By giving them the spot for $20 they're legitimizing Tran's sales, as it would still be a valuable service to have that spot reserved for them and it would still screw people over who play by the rules and want to camp in the popular valley locations.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/13/2012 09:51AM by mbear.
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 13, 2012 10:02AM
I guess they could play hardball. Put up a sign at the entrance stations and tell rangers there to ask people as they enter if they are camping and if so, do they have a reservation in their name. Giving them a chance to turn around early.

I am still confused as to how names are being changed on reservations, or are they not?
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 13, 2012 10:07AM

At the very least, the Campground Reservation Office at Curry Village should have a waiting list of people who want a campsite in one of the Valley's campgrounds, hoping for last minute cancellations. And these people who obtained illegally their campsite reservation can have their names placed at the back of that list.

Still, I think the best deterrent would be fining this people. That would be the most effective solution to eliminating this problem.
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 13, 2012 10:10AM
At the very least, the ranger should refuse to check-in the camper and let the camper scramble for some other first-come, first-serve campsite or one that's outside the park.

If they're trying to build a case, that's not a good way to get the buyers to cooperate.
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 13, 2012 10:13AM
Disagree, since the best way to have them cooperate would be to arrest them, then offer them a plea-bargin if they cooperate or jail time (until they appear before the magistrate) if they don't. wink
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 13, 2012 12:00PM
At the very least, the ranger should refuse to check-in the camper and let the camper scramble for some other first-come, first-serve campsite or one that's outside the park.

If they're trying to build a case, that's not a good way to get the buyers to cooperate.

I think it is. You can bet someone who got burned for $500 for his campsite for 5 nights and can't check in is going to go to the FBI, who can then get Tran's address and bank account from his PayPal account. Then you're talking fraud, possibly across state lines. If there's nothing done then they'll go to the press. If that person who got burned for $500 can just buy the campsite at the regular rate after arriving, having that spot saved for him by Tran's reservation, I don't think he's anywhere near as likely to complain.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/13/2012 12:00PM by mbear.
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 13, 2012 12:05PM
. If that person who got burned for $500 can just buy the campsite at the regular rate after arriving, having that spot saved for him by Tran's reservation, I don't think he's anywhere near as likely to complain.
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 13, 2012 07:47AM
I would hope they are building a case against Tran and if he hasn't left the country yet, he probably soon will to escape prosecution. They need people who were ripped off to make statements. But in the grand scheme of things, I wonder if what he is doing is simply a misdemeanor?
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 13, 2012 08:43AM
I would hope they are building a case against Tran and if he hasn't left the country yet, he probably soon will to escape prosecution. They need people who were ripped off to make statements. But in the grand scheme of things, I wonder if what he is doing is simply a misdemeanor?

Even if only a misdemeanor, he'd also be required to pay back all the money.
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 11, 2012 10:47AM
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Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 11, 2012 02:45PM
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 11, 2012 04:32PM
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 11, 2012 05:43PM
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 11, 2012 06:51PM
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 12, 2012 06:57AM
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 12, 2012 10:31AM
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 12, 2012 10:41AM
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 12, 2012 10:34AM

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/12/2012 11:01AM by sactown23.
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 12, 2012 11:02AM
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 12, 2012 12:15PM

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/12/2012 12:27PM by hotrod4x5.
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 12, 2012 12:17PM

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/12/2012 12:28PM by hotrod4x5.
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 12, 2012 12:59PM
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 12, 2012 01:34PM
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 12, 2012 02:04PM
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 12, 2012 03:06PM
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 12, 2012 04:40PM
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 12, 2012 03:15PM
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 12, 2012 04:25PM
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 12, 2012 06:25PM
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 12, 2012 07:09PM
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 12, 2012 08:05PM
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 12, 2012 09:03PM
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 12, 2012 09:56PM
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 12, 2012 10:43PM
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 13, 2012 06:49AM
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 13, 2012 07:43AM
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 13, 2012 08:41AM
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 13, 2012 09:11AM
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 13, 2012 09:23AM
Tran removed the post above within about 2 minutes of my listing it here.
I believe that way he can repost sooner, rather be stalled by a "flagged" period.
This must be his only "occupation" and sole support.
I noticed the LA postings have dropped off.
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 13, 2012 10:06AM
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 13, 2012 10:07AM
And another one


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/13/2012 10:08AM by Finally Time.
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 13, 2012 11:47AM
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 13, 2012 12:17PM
This is kind of a fun game on a boring gray day

Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 13, 2012 12:22PM
Finally Time
This is kind of a fun game on a boring gray day


whack a mole so to speak
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 13, 2012 08:31PM
I kinda like that metaphor. Fits.
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 13, 2012 10:39AM
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 13, 2012 12:31PM
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 13, 2012 05:53PM
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 13, 2012 07:23PM
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 13, 2012 08:29PM
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 13, 2012 09:35PM
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 14, 2012 06:25AM
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 14, 2012 07:37AM
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 14, 2012 08:12AM
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 14, 2012 08:20AM
Tran seems to have invested in a few automated programs.
The four postings I listed above were removed by him within 5-10 minutes of my flagging them,
then reposted within 30 minutes.
It really feels like "whack the mole."
I feel like I'm supporting a nonprofit --- Tran's NONprofit

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/14/2012 09:17AM by Blue Moon.
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 14, 2012 08:47AM
Think you're right. The last link I posted was "deleted by author" within 6 minutes. Should be back on about 9 am
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 14, 2012 08:13AM
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 14, 2012 08:35AM
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 14, 2012 03:41PM
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 14, 2012 05:32PM
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 14, 2012 05:51PM
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 14, 2012 06:51PM
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 14, 2012 07:31PM
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 14, 2012 07:49PM
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 14, 2012 08:10PM
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 14, 2012 09:17PM
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 14, 2012 10:05PM
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 14, 2012 10:44PM
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 14, 2012 11:39PM
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 14, 2012 11:59PM
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 15, 2012 09:06AM
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 15, 2012 10:06AM
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 15, 2012 11:52AM
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 15, 2012 12:38PM
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 15, 2012 03:35PM
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 15, 2012 04:49PM
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 15, 2012 11:49PM
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 16, 2012 06:04AM

DELETED by Author: within 2 minutes of flagging.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/16/2012 06:11AM by Blue Moon.
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 16, 2012 07:37AM
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 16, 2012 10:11AM
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 16, 2012 10:49AM

Deleted by author within 3 minutes of flagging

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 07/16/2012 10:56AM by Finally Time.
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 16, 2012 11:29AM

This time deleted by author in two minutes

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/16/2012 11:32AM by Finally Time.
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 16, 2012 12:16PM
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 16, 2012 12:45PM
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 16, 2012 02:29PM

deleted within 2 minutes

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/16/2012 02:34PM by Blue Moon.
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 16, 2012 03:03PM
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 16, 2012 04:05PM
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 16, 2012 05:00PM
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 16, 2012 06:12PM
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 16, 2012 06:15PM
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 16, 2012 07:05PM
DanPJ found a new one;
No list of sites just:
5 nights in Lower Pines -- 150.00 --- a night --- or the 5 days?
You won't know till you call, eh?
Smells like Tran.
Even if Jen is "someone else" she's trying to make 50.00 on the deal.
I would call that Scalping.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/16/2012 07:08PM by Blue Moon.
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 16, 2012 09:36PM
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 16, 2012 09:38PM
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 17, 2012 04:49AM
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 17, 2012 10:17AM
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 17, 2012 10:45AM
This seems to be something new. The scalping postings are comming up on older dates. The previous one i posted was dated July 16, this one July 15. http://sfbay.craigslist.org/sfc/for/3141139422.html
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 17, 2012 10:52AM
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 17, 2012 11:45AM
This one states it was posted 7-15-2012


Now within a minute of my posting, shows deleted by author

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/17/2012 11:48AM by Finally Time.
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 17, 2012 12:13PM
Shows posted date 7-15 3:37 pm. This is the same url as the link posted by Blue Moon on July 15


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/17/2012 12:16PM by Finally Time.
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 17, 2012 12:57PM
Date posted for this one 7-16 5:55 pm. Same url as link posted by DanPJ July 16

Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 17, 2012 01:22PM

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/17/2012 01:24PM by Finally Time.
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 17, 2012 01:54PM
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 17, 2012 04:29PM
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 17, 2012 05:13PM
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 17, 2012 05:27PM
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 17, 2012 07:25PM

DELETED by author (2 minutes)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/17/2012 07:28PM by Blue Moon.
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 17, 2012 08:21PM
Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 17, 2012 08:53PM
avatar Re: Illegal scalping of Yosemite campsites on Craigslist, please flag
July 18, 2012 08:25AM
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