We walked the trail out to McGee Lake after spending a night at Glen Aulin. From there, we walked off the trail onto the end of Falls Ridge. We descended into the Cathedral Creek Canyon, staying as high and right as possible. From there, we climbed up onto Falls Ridge, from which we could see down into Glen Aulin and out toward Tuolumne Meadows. The storms came in, and we headed back for camp, saving LeConte Falls for another day.

One of the summits along Falls Ridge

The canyon through which Cathedral Creek flows. Falls Ridge is to the right of the picture.

Storm clouds over the Tuolumne Meadows area

Glen Aulin from the top of Falls Ridge

The storm was building over Tuolumne Meadows as we got to the summit of Falls Ridge

Sunset at Glen Aulin after the rain clouds lightened up
This was an awesome area to check out. I've never seen the peaks of Tuolumne Meadows from that perspective before. There were also no people in the entire vicinity of Cathedral Creek by Falls Ridge. There were some great spots on which someone could pitch a tent. The mosquitos were out with a vengeance, so use that DEET if you're so inclined. Here's a trip report and some more pictures.
My Trip Blog