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Re: Flying over Waterwheel

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avatar Flying over Waterwheel
August 05, 2013 11:59AM
Flew over Waterwheel last weekend.

Have fun out there

If I have more time may do a TR thingie... ran around Alkali domes some more and whole area by Wildcat Pt.

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Flying over Waterwheel
August 05, 2013 03:31PM
Flying isn't one of the stronger suits of chickens......... therefore I'm curious how you got the picture?

Chicken Wings?
Airplane Wings?
Kite with a Sting?
avatar Re: Flying over Waterwheel
August 05, 2013 04:53PM
Love simple questions.

Eye pointy camera and clicky.

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Flying over Waterwheel
August 05, 2013 04:57PM
Flying isn't one of the stronger suits of chickens......... therefore I'm curious how you got the picture?

Chicken Wings?
Airplane Wings?
Kite with a Sting?

This particular chickmunk has abnormal climbing abilities. du du, du du du du!
avatar Re: Flying over Waterwheel
August 05, 2013 08:15PM

I don't know what I expected...........but like they say: there are no stupid questions, just stupid people.

Thanks for the photo and giving me the opportunity to ask such a brilliant question!
avatar Re: Flying over Waterwheel
August 06, 2013 12:57AM
but like they say: there are no stupid questions

They say that, but it's a lie.
avatar Re: Flying over Waterwheel
August 06, 2013 07:14AM
Well... there's stupid answers too.

I was atop the plateau area west of Wildcat Pt. Had idea to explore it earlier this year on
Alkali area trip with the wifie but I got her to go up Elbow Hill and a bunch of other domes
in Alkali area instead. Had some unfinished business there too... (still do) wink

Here's LeConte:

On way in:

Atop one of the Alkalai Domes (the nicest one)

Ok... let's just skip to top o Wildcat. Found a sweet flat rock to throw up the tarp to keep me out o da wind:

The view in 3D:

More here:

o... did a synth of on Wildcat Plateau:

A wee bit of smoke. Lots to explore around Wildcat. Worth a few more trips. I know I posted about it before when talking about Falls Ridge.
Def. want to go back and get around to the front of it from the west. Forgot about that when was there.

O well.

Have fun

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Flying over Waterwheel
August 06, 2013 10:34AM
Looks like even better views of Le Conte and Waterwheel than from Falls Ridge. Was it easy to find views from the plateau, or do you have to search around the edge?
avatar Re: Flying over Waterwheel
August 06, 2013 11:47AM
LeConte is pretty awesome from both sides of the canyon.
Waterwheel easier to spy from Wilcat plateau. Neither are visible from Wildcat Pt. itself.
There are two spots where you get some nice views down of them. The idea was to
explore that area and check out the lake there..
One the way out went up 9069 and then down Mattie Outlet to Glen Aulin.
Didn't go all the way out south of 9069. Certainly there are stellar views down canyon of
the river from there. Next time.

Have fun

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Flying over Waterwheel
August 06, 2013 01:29PM
Very good. But now we want winter and spring views. Grinning Devil
avatar Re: Flying over Waterwheel
August 06, 2013 05:13PM
I can do spring. Winter ... yeah... I doubt that.

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Flying over Waterwheel
August 06, 2013 10:03PM
Glad you're still taking the time to make these 3D anaglyphs of Yosemite. They're totally awesome!

avatar Re: Flying over Waterwheel
August 07, 2013 07:01AM
The tree in picture 6 from that set on Picasa looks pretty cool.
avatar Re: Flying over Waterwheel
August 12, 2013 06:08PM
I put #19 there so that if you so desire... for fun... you can find it in the 3D photo.

As always with the 3D... make it as big as you can on your monitor.

The smaller the photo in Picasa it seems the more they compress the poo out of it...

Have fun

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Flying over Waterwheel
August 13, 2013 04:56PM
Wow, great pictures Chick-on! Wish I had made it to Wildcat Pt area the last trip. Oh well, next time...
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