I've been trying to do Mt. Clark as a day trip for a while now. I tried it twice two years ago but didn't know what I was getting into. Tried it once more this year and failed due to timing restrictions. I was shocked when one of my friends said he wanted to try and do it. I suggested that we do a two day trip and he was persistent on a day trip. I gave him all of the necessary precautions and warnings and told him I don't think we should do it. He didn't care and we headed out Friday night and started hiking around 9pm. He would tell me after the trip that I was charging up the mountain but I was just trying to keep it slow and steady on the up hills and pick up the speed through little yose valley. Went off trail at Bunnell Point and headed up the big incline. Took forever to get to the north west arete but got there and I was tired but still had the summit push in me. My buddy said he couldn't go any further. I was surprised but said that this being the 4th try, I wasn't coming back for a 5th so I continued on. Since this was a day trip, started at practically sea level, and now I was pushing my body hard up at 11k feet, the elevation was absolutely rocking me. The terrain up there sucks with the sand, huge boulders that require non direct routes, and crappy bushes that drain the energy from you. The ridge looked a little sketch but going up the north face seemed easy enough. Got up near the top and I found that I had to use some climbing moves. This was definitely hard class three and some class 4 moves. I'm not sure about the lines between class 4 and 5 but during some of the "i can only go up here, not down," if you fell up here you weren't going to stop until the bottom of the mountain. Made it to the top and was euphoric. Really good time being up there with great views. Slight breeze and blue skies. Couldn't really ask for more. Took 12 hours to get up there. Not the most efficient but took a couple breaks and extended photo shots. I need to thank Bob Burd and Chick-On for the advice and trip reports for getting up there. 23 miles and 7500ft elevation gain.
Night photos near Bunnell
Before the guys left me on my own
On the first bump
Checking out which path I wanted, ended up switching once I got closer and a better view. I was up and over Gendarme Robert (Bob Burd)
Looking at the guys chilling out
Last little bit before the summit. Huge exposure on both sides of this ledge
View of the same thing from the top
Nice selfie at the top
Register with Goodies - btw the books are full so if anyone goes it would be nice to get a new notebook in there. Last person was up there two weeks ago. Register went back to '97
Took a wrong turn on the way back and instead of back tracking we opted to go down the left of Bunnell Point rather than the right. Probably the same steepness but this time its just granite/river crossing rather than the forest.
Watching people play in the water at the base of Vernal. I had mixed feelings about these guys playing there. All I could think about were the people that die from falls each year and how these people were playing around in there resting place. I know the swimmers weren't thinking about this at all but I don't think this is very respectful. I could be wrong on this one and thinking about it differently. On one side - These people are just having fun in a spot that doesn't normally allow these types of activities. On the other - People die here every year from falls and nature should be respected. Not sure how I feel yet. Does anyone else have an opinion on this one?
Pano at up the top