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Tenaya Lake, Yosemite National Park

The Moon is Waxing Crescent (13% of Full)


Re: Tioga Road Closed

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avatar Tioga Road Closed
October 27, 2013 06:12PM
Okay, it will be closed in 15 minutes.
avatar Re: Tioga Road Closed
October 27, 2013 06:24PM
If I hurry, I can make it.

I did want to go over to the East side to do some rock collecting. Maybe it will just be a tiny storm.
avatar Re: Tioga Road Closed
October 27, 2013 07:54PM
Sonora is still open.
avatar Re: Tioga Road Closed
October 27, 2013 09:12PM
I'll go sometime later in the week, or next week. The rocks I want have been there for tens of thousands of years. They'll last another week.
avatar Re: Tioga Road Closed
October 27, 2013 10:21PM
Took a drive to Hetch Hetchy, 120, + The Rim Lookout to check out the burn damage. At around 3:00pm, the wind really started to pick up; visibility in the valley (due to high winds & open farmland) was less than a mile in some places.

The body betrays and the weather conspires, hopefully, not on the same day.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/27/2013 10:22PM by Bee.
avatar Re: Tioga Road Closed
October 28, 2013 07:11PM
I'll go sometime later in the week, or next week. The rocks I want have been there for tens of thousands of years. They'll last another week.

Okay, but you missed some nice weather.

avatar Re: Tioga Road Closed
October 28, 2013 09:07PM
There will be plenty of time. Tomorrow I have to go down to Fresno for some lapidary supplies. So, it will have to be when they reopen the road.
Re: Tioga Road Closed
October 28, 2013 02:05PM
Hopefully road re-opens by Friday.
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