2018 Total Bear Incidents: 22
2018 Total Property Damage: $1,935
Compared to this same week 2017 (the lowest year on record), bear incidents in 2018 are down by 41% and damage amounts (in dollars) are down by 65%.
Compared to 1998 (when incidents in the park peaked), bear incidents and damages in 2018 are down by 99%.
Bear Activity Summary: Bears are still very active in Yosemite Valley. In about a week, there have been three reported cases of a bear obtaining garbage: from a campsite, a picnic area, and a concession facility. Bears also obtained food from food locker in a campsite, and damaged a grill in a residential area.
In fall months, bears need to eat up to 20,000 calories every day to gain weight for hibernation. Because of this, bears tend to be more bold about obtaining calories, and increasingly come into conflict with people. It is safe to assume that each day a bear will wander past your campsite, house, or your parked car. It’s each of our responsibility to keep these bears safe and wild by storing all food, trash, and scented items at all times.
Red Bear, Dead Bear: So far this year, 16 bears have been hit by vehicles along park roads. PLEASE help protect wildlife by obeying speed limits and being prepared to stop for animals on roads.
Fascinating Bear Fact: During hibernation, bears do not eat, drink, urinate or defecate. They are able to recycle the calcium usually lost through excretions back into their bones.
Please report bear incidents and sightings: Call the Save-A-Bear Hotline at +1 209 372-0322 or e-mail yose_bear_mgmt@nps.gov.