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Re: SR120 drive thru permits

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SR120 drive thru permits
September 04, 2020 09:31AM
Am wondering what has been going on recently at the park entrance stations? Since SR120 opened in June, driving through the park without reservations or a wilderness permit has (sort of) not been allowed. The board does have an older June 8 thread on the matter. Here is what the park web site on the matter shows:


NPS.govPark HomePlan Your VisitBasic InformationPermits & ReservationsEntrance Reservations

Entrance Reservations
Based on local, state, and federal public health guidelines, the number of vehicles entering Yosemite must be reduced from normal visitation levels for public safety. This helps reduce overcrowding at the park’s most popular destinations. The park is aiming to increase public access while providing visitors with a reasonable opportunity to comply with health guidelines. The day-use reservation system is a temporary system that has been created to address public health concerns resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.
The day-use reservations only limits the number of vehicles; it does not limit the number of people.

You must display your permit on your dashboard at all times while inside the park.


Even at the end of July after talking with rangers at the Tioga Pass entrance, they were however allowing those in vehicles that claimed they were not aware of the policy, to receive a special one time only permit to be placed on their dashboards to drive through without stopping anywhere. Understandable at least for a few weeks allowing time to get the word out.

I had parked east of the pass about 7am when there was no line of cars, just so I could walk in and do some photography at the Dana Meadows tarns that was allowed. Later in the morning upon returning, there was a growing line of cars and one related most did not have reservations and were being allowed to use the noted special one time only permit. By noon the line was really long down the road. Down at the SR120/US395 junction a large LED sign was tersely relating only those with reservations allowed through. So those driving up seemed to be aware they would still be let in, maybe from social media posts, and that was probably resulting in many ignoring the prohibition. Same kind of attitude would not surprisingly result in those same people ignoring the order not to stop as they might expect the park at most would just tell them to move on if caught. Worse during the holiday weekend there would be so many that got in and did whatever that enforcement would be overwhelmed.

So am wondering what is going on now with this big holiday imminent? If they don't force all such cars to turn around and people know that, it will otherwise likely result in all those with valid reasons to enter to getting stuck in frustratingly long lines and large crowds of the unwelcome.

also posted:


Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 09/04/2020 09:39AM by DavidSenesac.
Re: SR120 drive thru permits
September 09, 2020 04:15PM
Its all about the money.
I have my reservation for Sep 26 so I can drive thru to camp in Mammoth. Another 2 dollars for the NEW PRIVILEGE to use the park that I had already paid for when I purchased a Year pass that WAS sold to me as an entrance fee to all the national parks in the US. Can you say Double Dipping. Really its a Joke. and someone is laughing all the way to the bank, 2 dollars at a time for processing fee done electronically. All this does is keeps honest people honest, as if that was necessary, and doesn't do what the sheeple think its doing for the traffic and the virus. Love Yosemite's nature, but am ashamed of the nature of Yosemite.
Re: SR120 drive thru permits
September 10, 2020 04:08AM
First world problems. Just imagine the fees if the NPS and Forest Service weren't heavily subsidized.
Re: SR120 drive thru permits
September 10, 2020 10:02AM
First world problems. Just imagine the fees if the NPS and Forest Service weren't heavily subsidized.

Please dont get me wrong, I am not objecting to the fee amount or the fee in general. I am just saying that if you sell something to someone for x amount of dollars, like a year pass in this case, then that person should be able to get into the park for the year. When I go to get my pass for next year, If they raise the rates up, I have two choices either pay it or not, right? At this point for me its not about the money, its about the principle of getting what you paid for. Next year I hope they just add the two dollars or 8 dollars or whatever to the yearly pass and then all I would have to do is make my reservation to be allowed in due to covid or mouse flu. or fires, traffic congestion or whatever natural or man made reason they want to come up with... I am still down for that.
To get back on point, Id be willing to pay up to 10 dollars just to drive through, like a toll bridge fee, why not have a separate reservation for people that just want to drive through???? oh thats right, they dont have ways or the staff to in force it. They sure are doing great at inforcing it now the way it is right?
Re: SR120 drive thru permits
September 13, 2020 07:19AM
First world problems. Just imagine the fees if the NPS and Forest Service weren't heavily subsidized.

Please dont get me wrong, I am not objecting to the fee amount or the fee in general. I am just saying that if you sell something to someone for x amount of dollars, like a year pass in this case, then that person should be able to get into the park for the year. When I go to get my pass for next year, If they raise the rates up, I have two choices either pay it or not, right? At this point for me its not about the money, its about the principle of getting what you paid for. Next year I hope they just add the two dollars or 8 dollars or whatever to the yearly pass and then all I would have to do is make my reservation to be allowed in due to covid or mouse flu. or fires, traffic congestion or whatever natural or man made reason they want to come up with... I am still down for that.
To get back on point, Id be willing to pay up to 10 dollars just to drive through, like a toll bridge fee, why not have a separate reservation for people that just want to drive through???? oh thats right, they dont have ways or the staff to in force it. They sure are doing great at inforcing it now the way it is right?

Pounding head on desk
Re: SR120 drive thru permits
September 09, 2020 05:38PM
Actually, when we did our backpacking trip in August, they didn't collect the $2...

Check our our website: http://www.backpackthesierra.com/
Or just read a good mystery novel set in the Sierra; https://www.amazon.com/Danger-Falling-Rocks-Paul-Wagner/dp/0984884963
Re: SR120 drive thru permits
September 10, 2020 08:54AM
Basically it leaves it up to the discretion of the person in the booth to decide if they want to let you in or not....catch them on a good day, you get in, catch them on a bad day.... well no entry allowed. oh unless your someone with connections to someone, you will get in. Just ask congressman TJ Cox and family...from the Fresno bee story https://www.fresnobee.com/news/politics-government/article244710057.html#:~:text=%E2%80%9CRep.,to%20Yosemite%20on%20July%204. ......Subsequent telephone interviews with Yosemite Park Service staff indicate that Representative Cox’s call resulted in pressuring the National Park Service staff to change the request from personal to professional and grant him passes,”
FYI I posted something about driving through a while back because when I was hiking around Tuolumne meadows one day, I went to the visitor center and there were 3 rangers outside and I asked them this very question. can I drive through without a reservation, All three of them said yes, just tell the person at the entrance your intention, show them your campsite reservation and your yearly pass and they will give you a temporary pass through.. Well on a repeat trip back in through the 120 entrance, I question the person in the entrance booth about the temporary pass and they said absolutely not, there is no temporary pass for drive through, you will need a reservation..... so I paid the 200 pennies and got my reservation. I too have heard so many stories of people getting in without reservations or fees.... and don't forget your reservation pass is good for 7 days from the 1st day reserved, so If I go for a day hike or am camping in Bishop instead of in Yosemite, the other 6 days my car and I are sitting somewhere else yet Yosemite accounts for it as being in the park. Really how do they know where I am, they don't, they dont care, its all about the money and control . Traffic concerns my butt, Corona virus my butt. Keep trying Yosemite, you screwed the pooch again with your well intentions.
avatar Re: SR120 drive thru permits
September 10, 2020 09:13AM
Corona virus my butt.

You obviously haven't had COVID 19 yet. It's not a fun experience.
Re: SR120 drive thru permits
September 10, 2020 09:27AM
Corona virus my butt.

You obviously haven't had COVID 19 yet. It's not a fun experience.

And you Sir or Mam, know everything, Maybe someday when I am hiking in Yosemite you can share it with me so both of us will know it all. Look for me, I am the one who will be wearing a mask but only covering my mouth and not my nose. Or maybe I'll go full Nancy and not wear a mask. Its still a suggestion to wear a mask in Yosemite right? or is it a regulation now. Maybe for another 2 bucks they will give me a Mask with YNP written on it so I dont end up catching the Covid but if I dont get the Covid virus then I guess I just wont ever understand that its not a fun experience. What do do?

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 09/10/2020 10:19AM by MY HAPPY PLACE.
Re: SR120 drive thru permits
September 10, 2020 11:55AM
Actually, Eeek does know everything.

Check our our website: http://www.backpackthesierra.com/
Or just read a good mystery novel set in the Sierra; https://www.amazon.com/Danger-Falling-Rocks-Paul-Wagner/dp/0984884963
Re: SR120 drive thru permits
September 10, 2020 03:14PM
Actually, Eeek does know everything.

Yup that is what I said, glad your paying attention, but I didn't say Actually. To quote myself from earlier......"And you Sir or Mam, know everything",
P.S did you notice your two posts both start with the word Actually? Well you must believe I actually care. .. but I do, I actually care. So thanks

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/10/2020 03:50PM by MY HAPPY PLACE.
Re: SR120 drive thru permits
September 10, 2020 03:58PM
My apologies to DavidSenesac who started a very respectable post that I too share the same thoughts with. I'm sorry others here, myself included choose to comment on others comments rather than focus on your comments/questions. That's it for me on this topic. I am on to the next one.
Re: SR120 drive thru permits
September 10, 2020 04:40PM
Happy Place sounds like quite the nice guy,name fits, a guy who cares and yes Eeek does know everthing!
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