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Re: Ticks Don't Come Out In The Wash

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avatar Ticks Don't Come Out In The Wash
October 07, 2007 04:18PM
avatar Re: Ticks Don't Come Out In The Wash
October 07, 2007 08:01PM
Me and my lil brother were hiking up Hotel Creek in Kings Canyon around 2000 or so, he wanted to get a pic of me with the high sierra behind when we were near the overlook, so he laid on his back in the manzanita up near the top, got the pic, we hung out at the overlook for a while, later when we get back to Sentinel campground he gets itchy and yep, he finds a tick in his sweatshirt. He put it on the picnic table and I doused it with DEET and all it did was swim around and crawl out and didn't die till I smacked it with the broadside of a pocket knife.

(edited part here)
Don't tell anyone I gave you this link, don't want RIAA coming after me, so this link is strictly FYI purposes, not for trading. Ripped it from the Dr. Demento show from a couple weeks ago. http://www.hikeofyourlife.com/media/Check-for-Ticks.mp3

Post Edited (10-07-07 22:15)
avatar Re: Ticks Don't Come Out In The Wash
October 07, 2007 09:43PM
DEET isn't an insecticide. So I'm not surprised that the tick didn't die.

avatar Re: Ticks Don't Come Out In The Wash
October 07, 2007 10:45PM
DEET also is not going to keep mosquitoes or ticks off of you but it will keep them from biting.

Old Dude
Re: Ticks Don't Come Out In The Wash
October 10, 2007 05:11AM
I really enjoyed the "check you for ticks" song.
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