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Re: TR - 1000 Island Lake and surrounding areas 6/30-7/4

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TR - 1000 Island Lake and surrounding areas 6/30-7/4
July 07, 2014 02:56PM
This is my first attempt at a trip report, so bear with me as I try to put our trip into words (and photos).

My brother and I (both fairly new to backpacking - but not to hiking in general) went on a 4-night trip to the Ansel Adams Wilderness on 6/30-7/4.
Never having been to this area of the backcountry we made sure to study past trip reports from all over the internet (there are plenty to get ideas from). We decided on making a loop trip starting from Agnew Meadows via the High Trail (PCT) first going to 1000 Island Lake for night one, then to Garnet Lake for night two, then onto Shadow Creek, just shy of Lake Ediza, for the following two nights (dayhiking the area around Shadow Creek). Kind of wish we would have taken the layover day at 1000 Island after the first night instead of at the end of the trip but still had a great time in such a beautiful area.

The mosquitoes were pretty bad throughout the week leaving both of us with multiple bites but were not bad enough for either of us to use the Deet we brought along. The headnets definitely came in handy while sitting around camp as well. The (record?) high temps were also a factor especially the first couple days. Along the high trail especially - quite a few dry creeks on the way to 1000 Island and many with very little water.

We hoped to to a few extra side trips but that first day wore us out a bit more than we expected. We were hoping to go up North Glacier Pass and check out Lake Catherine on day two but decided to just take it slow and head on over to Garnet Lake. We also hoped to make it to either Cabin and/or Nydiver Lakes from Shadow Creek but neither of us felt up to it so we just soaked it all in and left something for us to check out next time we go the area. Spent some time fishing in all of the lakes (except Garnet as it was too windy to get out a good cast).

And eventhough it was a holiday week, we only saw three total people once we set up camp at 1000 Island on day one until we packed up camp on day three at Garnet. Ohh how I love to stay off trail as much as possible. But even on trail only saw a handful of people, even along the JMT. We did see several people on our way out Friday especially as we neared the trailhead - many dayhikers and backpacking groups.

Here are some photos of the trip (link below to many more pics):

Lots of wildflowers all along the High Trail

Views along the High Trail

Decent flow at the outlet of 1000 Island

1000 Island and Banner

Thunderheads building

Time to set up camp

Thankfully that didn't last too long - did get hailed on though

The next day - heading over to the saddle at the southwest end of the lake

Garnet Lake

Lake Ediza

Heading to Iceberg Lake

Iceberg Lake

Fishing at Ediza (caught a couple)

Shadow Creek

Shadow Lake

Link to more photos: https://plus.google.com/photos/102887252732016822076/albums/6032983882581867057?banner=pwa
Re: TR - 1000 Island Lake and surrounding areas 6/30-7/4
July 07, 2014 03:39PM

I'll be doing a 3-nighter through this area in early August, except we'll be heading in via Shadow Creek to Ediza, followed by 1000 Island, and out via High Trail. I was thinking of spending 2 nights at Ediza and 1 at 1000 Island, but not sure about details or day hikes. Would you recommend doing otherwise? Thanks.
Re: TR - 1000 Island Lake and surrounding areas 6/30-7/4
July 10, 2014 07:58AM

I'll be doing a 3-nighter through this area in early August, except we'll be heading in via Shadow Creek to Ediza, followed by 1000 Island, and out via High Trail. I was thinking of spending 2 nights at Ediza and 1 at 1000 Island, but not sure about details or day hikes. Would you recommend doing otherwise? Thanks.

Both areas were absolutely beautiful, and have plenty of options to do some exploring, so I'm sure you will enjoy either way. I just mentioned it as that first day with the distance and heat wore us out pretty good and I would have like to spend a bit more time exploring the area around 1000 Island Lake.
avatar Re: TR - 1000 Island Lake and surrounding areas 6/30-7/4
July 07, 2014 03:56PM
Fantastic! Thanks for sharing!
avatar Re: TR - 1000 Island Lake and surrounding areas 6/30-7/4
July 09, 2014 01:44PM
Nice pictures, thanks.
avatar Re: TR - 1000 Island Lake and surrounding areas 6/30-7/4
July 10, 2014 02:22PM
Loved the trip report and photos too!

Thanks for sharing them.
avatar Re: TR - 1000 Island Lake and surrounding areas 6/30-7/4
July 10, 2014 02:31PM
Gorgeous! Thanks for the trip report.
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