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Re: Mt. Whitney or Bust!

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Mt. Whitney or Bust!
July 13, 2014 10:03PM
The resupply packages have been mailed, permits secured, and packs are loaded...

(The boxes went to Reds Meadow, the buckets to Muir Trail Ranch... food and supplies for 5...)

Tomorrow we head back to Yosemite to start the JMT from Tuolumne Meadows to Mt. Whitney. We have a great group--I think all have been mentioned in a write-up here before--so it should be fun even if the weather looks a bit damp for the first week or so... Pix and write-up hopefully by the end of the month!

Okay, a bit later than I'd hoped for, but the daily write-ups are (or will be) here:

Day 0/1: Monsoon Madness
Day 2: Under the Weather
Day 3: Sand Walking and Ashel Adams
Day 4: Yes, Virginia
Day 5: Silence of Concern Pass
Day 6: Rain, Check
Day 7: Valley of the Kings
Day 8: Into the Mouth of the Beast
Day 9: Knapotluque Passes
Day 10: Double Dippin' Fun
Day 11: And Sweetie Makes Seven
Day 12: Big Pass, Bighorn
Day 13: Summit and Birthday Fever
Day 14: Reentry

And of course, the pictures.

Edited 13 time(s). Last edit at 09/24/2014 07:55PM by basilbop.
avatar Re: Mt. Whitney or Bust!
July 13, 2014 11:34PM
Wow! Looking forward to it!
Re: Mt. Whitney or Bust!
July 14, 2014 04:01AM
Lookinf forward to the trip report. Just curious if you plan to resupply between MTR and Whitney. I guess the answer will come in your trip report smiling smiley
Re: Mt. Whitney or Bust!
July 14, 2014 07:15AM
No resupply between MTR and Whitney...
Re: Mt. Whitney or Bust!
July 14, 2014 07:39AM
Safe hiking! I'm jealous.
avatar Re: Mt. Whitney or Bust!
July 14, 2014 10:34AM
I am both envious and excited to read your report once you return! Have a blast!
avatar Re: Mt. Whitney or Bust!
July 16, 2014 05:20PM
For fun... I see Z Perret Troupe had a good time getting over Donahue Pass on day 1
and camping along Rush Creek.
On day 2 it seems they took it easy and are hanging out at Garnet now.
Somebody isn't Just Keeping Walking... Pretty sure she soaking in the Garnet waters ...

I'm jealous

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Mt. Whitney or Bust!
July 17, 2014 05:53PM
Looks Like Z Perret Troupe now currently lounging at Reds Meadow.

I dunno... but it seems they lounging a lot.

Perret Fedders prob all wet... or standing on end from Z wedder that blew thru.
It had to have been quite "fun" .

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Mt. Whitney or Bust!
July 30, 2014 10:01AM
Oh, Red's was AWESOME. We had 7 people in their "largest" cabin, and it turned out to be perfect! We had a blast. It was quite a different experience than our usual small group off-trail explorations... We all had a bunch of fun and didn't really want the day to end...
Re: Mt. Whitney or Bust!
July 30, 2014 09:59AM
"Took it easy...".. right. We scurried to our desired campsite at Garnet (decided weather wasn't going to let us push further - and we were right!) and settled down under shelter just before getting pummeled by rain and sat for over 3 hours watching a fabulous storm system over Garnet and Ritter and Banner. What a lightning show and what rain! We were happy we were settled, but had to make sure our site wasn't going to get flooded. It was actually quite enjoyable. When the storm died down we were treated to some fabulous after-storm sights... More later in the trip report. As for soaking...we did that earlier... Thousand Island Lake was too good for us to pass up and four of us went skinny-dipping. We went in when there was no one there, but apparently, we attracted a little crowd while swimming about. Written details to follow. No pics allowed for this bit!
Re: Mt. Whitney or Bust!
July 20, 2014 10:36AM
Z wedder Z is still happenen. Surprise T-storm this morning!
avatar Re: Mt. Whitney or Bust!
July 20, 2014 08:00PM
It even sprinkled a little in San Leandro yesterday evening. Hopefully parrots are waterproof!
avatar Re: Mt. Whitney or Bust!
July 21, 2014 07:12AM
They spent last night near Sally Keyes Lakes. My best guess is that Z Perret,
with all the weather they've been dealing with... has flew with all the rest and
not done portions of the SHR along the way. Looks like he looked for a nice
overview spot last night. Today looks like they gonna resupply at Muir TR.
Reporting they are having fun. They are prepared...
which it appears from yesterday... quite a number or Yose bp'ers were not.
It was a bit interesting... quite the diluge yesterday.

JRinGeorgia and me atop Z southern-most Starr King:

by the time we get to the 2nd one... it was pretty obvious somebody didn't
know what "afternoon" thundershowers meant:

Probably doesn't do it justice... but here is from front of Starr a wee bit later when getting

Got pix of about 5 waterfalls off of Dome Baez.... should have taken some video.
O well.
Tanks to Z Old guy and Burro Boy for hiking out Mono Meadow and letting
us hiking down JMT to valley.
Chick-on is looking at you!

ok... back to Z Perret Report

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Mt. Whitney or Bust!
July 21, 2014 10:04AM
Four days from Red's to MTR ? That's a pretty good clip. I guess JKW is, well, walking....
Re: Mt. Whitney or Bust!
July 30, 2014 10:06AM
Oh, we only took our little SPOT Connect on the trip. Decided against two SPOT devices.. Basilbop carried the sat phone, just in case. He led the SHR group and I led the trail group with iSPOT, misleading, eh? The Perret-led SHR gang did indeed explore and get wet as we did on the trail but it wasn't a problem and we all had a blast. TR will have more details. We are trying to figure out how to best prepare/present, especially with length of trip and the simultaneous SHR and Trail adventures.
avatar Re: Mt. Whitney or Bust!
July 21, 2014 03:44PM
Thanks for the perrot report...as well as your brief hijack of the thread smiling smiley
avatar Re: Mt. Whitney or Bust!
July 21, 2014 09:56PM
Thanks for the perrot report...as well as your brief hijack of the thread smiling smiley


They are at McClure Meadow for the night.

tongue sticking out smiley

And here is what it looked like where I slept Sat. night:


Friday night:

and yes, you've been signed up... you prob. look a little like Billy Joel:

tongue sticking out smiley

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Mt. Whitney or Bust!
July 22, 2014 09:36PM
Z Perret Gang is now at Big Pete Meadow. Over Muir Pass today.
Really booked today.

Maybe Old Dood can give some updates.... although dunno if peeps really want a
running location of where they are anyway... off for a nice trip with the wifie soon.
smiling smiley

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Mt. Whitney or Bust!
July 28, 2014 07:29AM
Z Perret Gang is now at Big Pete Meadow. Over Muir Pass today.
Really booked today.

Maybe Old Dood can give some updates.... although dunno if peeps really want a
running location of where they are anyway... off for a nice trip with the wifie soon.
smiling smiley

Oblivously The Old Dood fell asleep or something.

They spent last night atop some big famous mountain down sout der.
Pury sure it was JKW birtday too. How cool is that?

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Mt. Whitney or Bust!
July 28, 2014 08:45AM

They spent last night atop some big famous mountain down sout der.
Pury sure it was JKW birtday too. How cool is that?

That is very cool. Hope to see pictures of the cake...are candles allowed with the current fire restrictions?
avatar Re: Mt. Whitney or Bust!
July 28, 2014 02:11PM
are candles allowed with the current fire restrictions?

Don't see why not...lighting them is another story. Birthday Cake
avatar Re: Mt. Whitney or Bust!
July 28, 2014 05:56PM
Z Perret has Landed

(they finish der trip)

Good luck to them assimilating back to civilizashun
(but dey prolly enjoying some Za n Salad)
smiling smiley

Congrabulashuns to them.

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Mt. Whitney or Bust!
July 28, 2014 06:54PM

Congrabulashuns to them.

I second that emotion!
Re: Mt. Whitney or Bust!
July 30, 2014 10:14AM
Thanks to both of you! We have not yet made it to the 'zza, but am looking forward to a heck of a salad tonight. Hmmm lunch is coming up, pizza would finish up the last of the trail-cravings... smiling smiley
Re: Mt. Whitney or Bust!
July 30, 2014 10:12AM
Not exactly a cake, but there was a candle involved... and a crown. It totally took me by surprise. I was apparently oblivious to the machinations going on as I was happily walking along.
Re: Mt. Whitney or Bust!
July 30, 2014 10:10AM
I don't know what the others thought, but today, catching up on this thread I was touched that some of you cared to follow our progress. We will do our best to provide a good trip report...
Re: Mt. Whitney or Bust!
July 31, 2014 08:41PM
Sooooo... Picking through 4000+ pics takes time. If the pink one spent 14 days out there, I wonder how many shots he'd have to sift thru??? smiling smiley

Everyone on the trip was thankful Basilbop was taking pictures! It allowed the rest of us to just keep walking! "He always catches up..." Was a phrase that stuck to him on the first JMT jaunt in 2008....
avatar Re: Mt. Whitney or Bust!
August 01, 2014 12:36AM
f the pink one spent 14 days out there

What he really needs to do is the PCT. That'll fill up his Google space. Grinning Devil
avatar Re: Mt. Whitney or Bust!
August 01, 2014 06:48AM
f the pink one spent 14 days out there

What he really needs to do is the PCT. That'll fill up his Google space. Grinning Devil

I only take about 250-300 photos per day...
(current at 18,000 this year in the park and Sierra)
(took over 33,000 last year in the park and Sierra)

Average PCT 150 days... so ... I don't think it would fill up Google Space tongue sticking out smiley

I imagine I'll do the PCT within the next 10 years. But maybe not thru-hike the whole thing...

Z Perret takes more pix than the Chick-on is looking at you! btw ...

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Mt. Whitney or Bust!
August 03, 2014 08:58PM
Right, well, I'll have to add my comments to the daily posts in a bit. I was working in chronological order, and he tells me he posted Whitney day. Sheesh! eye rolling smiley
avatar Re: Mt. Whitney or Bust!
August 06, 2014 06:52AM
Tanks fur all Z trip reports. Muir Gorge
Was thinking of you guys a lot... especially when Z Big Diluge occurred...
a la : http://yosemitenews.info/forum/read.php?17,75846
It was fun hiking with the umbrella during this... well... I can't say the thunder didn't
make me jump a bit a few times... and wit Z umbrella... could take pix. Muir Gorge
Reading all the days of the trips. Of couse I wish I coulda joined you Muir Gorge
but wit Z wifie getting limited time off Muir Gorge and it being her birthday month
too Muir Gorge she pretty much gets me for that month. Now some would say
she doing everyone a favor Muir Gorge but I donut. I not that bad. Muir Gorge
Really curious how much of Z SHR were able to do with all that weather Muir Gorge.
Okie.. well... I've made my point. Bourland Meadow

tongue sticking out smiley

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Mt. Whitney or Bust!
August 06, 2014 10:05AM
You're welcome! Yes.
Thought about you as well. Wondered what you were up to. Umbrella, eh? Still haven't done that.
I can't figure out how to use an umbrella and hiking poles at the same time. Not
sure how often Basilbop took pictures in rain. Haven't looked at ALL the pics, myself!
We loved hearing the thunder at Garnet. I especially liked the ripping/rolling ones. Yes.
We knew you would have liked to join. Yes.
But knew as well that it was your wifie's b-day month. Yes. And you know I believe in a WHOLE month of birthday trips!
She Yes. deserves all the great trips you can take her on.
And no, you are not that bad. Yes.
You'll have to stay tuned to the daily reports as they come out. Yes.
I think you did make your point. When?

PS> Ordered a new toy yesterday, it is already on its way. Hope you'll approve when you see it. Bad birdie influence!
avatar Re: Mt. Whitney or Bust!
August 07, 2014 04:12PM
PS> Ordered a new toy yesterday, it is already on its way. Hope you'll approve when you see it. Bad birdie influence!

Are you joining the yacht club by any chance?
Re: Mt. Whitney or Bust!
August 07, 2014 04:55PM
Dang you are good! First one to guess correctly in our little circle. Yup, read a lot... hemmed and hawed a lot... but couldn't stop thinking about it and went conservatively with the "it'll probably spend most of its time in the pack" thinking so... got the Supai Canyon Flatwater 2. In red, of course - wish they had yellow, but hey, we aren't at the Alpacka stage yet! We figure we can see how this works out. We'll sell it if it doesn't work, or get another one, or a different boat to try a different style. But a pound and a half plus another 12 ounces of decent oar... well, I just carried a lot of useful luxuries 200 miles, so that didn't sound so bad anymore! smiling smiley
avatar Re: Mt. Whitney or Bust!
August 07, 2014 07:55PM
Soon to be "JustKeepRowing" ?
avatar Re: Mt. Whitney or Bust!
August 08, 2014 11:28AM
That is one nice looking boat at only 1.5 lbs!
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