Typical you can hike all the way to the top without need to anything but your feets.
Actually this is what even the skiers will do... they will posthole away to the top
if needed... but typically the trail will be pretty clear. If you are really unlucky
(or lucky depending on how you look at it) you will be the first after a storm and
have to bust the trail ...
Once on the rim... expect loads of snow. Kinda a BOOM! SNOW!
Don't be fooled by the lack of snow below... Have done this before...
didn't bring snowshoes... and really wished had... was still able to posthole to
campspot... but was kicking myself.. and Z wife was OK with it but said same.
Anywho... you can spy the top with the Sentinel Dome webcam a bit above the
Conservancy logo. Right now it looks like there is still loads of snow holding.
It's pretty consolidated at the moment... but ... as day progresses...
Sorry... will stop there.
Have fun and hope this helps