Day 1 Mono Meadow TH to the Ilouette River - 3 Ml.
Day 2 Ilouette River to Ottawa Lake - 11.5 Ml
Day 3 Ottawa Lake to unnamed lake just below Isberg Peak camping on a super spot with incredible views at the north end of the unnamed lake and 5 minutes up from it on a bluff - 10 Ml.
Day 4 from the camping spot, via Post/Peak Pass, to the top of Fernandez Pass and camped there rather then rutherford Lake, plenty of space, great views, no bugs -10 Ml.
Day 5 Fernandez Pass to Buena Vista Lake - 13 Ml.
Day 6 Buena Vista to Mono Meadow TH 11Ml.
Total route 60 Ml. Altitude range 6381' to 11089' - gain 11795' - loss 11867'
Plenty of water now even approaching the passes but probably will be a bit dryer by Labor Day, bugs were on and off, seen worst.
I find this route very nice the views from Red Pass are glorious ( I assume you are familiar with the pass) and so are the one from Post/Peak and Fernandez and I love that once I head towards Post Pass the path is much less traveled. The valley that joins Post to Fernandez, in the Ansel Adam Wilderness is spectacular, secluded, a true jewel, the blossom and vegetation spectacular and so is the hike from Fernandez to Buena Vista.
Hope this helps,
I have created a map with route and an alterate return via Merced Pass that shortened it by 7 Ml. here is the link: