If you are talking this creek:
https://mappingsupport.com/p/gmap4.php?ll=37.810732,-119.498592&z=14&t=t4I wouldn't worry toooo much about that other than you will probably wonder why you
decided to go that-a-way.. when you could have just hiked the road probably...
considering that it is probably plowed by then but not open to regular car traffic...
if you get sytmied you can go up to the road and use it to cross that creek.
I did that one year... when I got sick of flopping around in the woods...
Also if you do want to stay on the trail... um... yeah, don't probably...
this here:
https://mappingsupport.com/p/gmap4.php?ll=37.795677,-119.506660&z=14&t=t4is crazy steep and I was literally hanging onto some Manzanita once...
saying "well, that was smart... "
obliviously go off the trail and either take the ski route up to Quarry
or go up and over saddly here:
https://mappingsupport.com/p/gmap4.php?ll=37.797237,-119.509664&z=14&t=t4you do know you can see pywiak from glacier point webcam?
Also, you can see from trail here:
https://mappingsupport.com/p/gmap4.php?ll=37.793507,-119.508205&z=14&t=t4from Watkins itself you have to go WAY out...
I'd recommend going out Wasoo ...
then you can peer down into Tenaya Canyon and also see the other waterfall in the canyon
go here:
https://mappingsupport.com/p/gmap4.php?ll=37.783604,-119.508033&z=14&t=t4and see this:
June 18, 2013
Feb 2012 (very low snow year)
anyway, yeah, I hear you about wanting to see Tenaya Lake..
getting across and then over and then coming down Forsyth Trail
(going up and over Clouds Rest will be interesting.. I wouldn't
recommend too much... ) ..
plus... just crossing Sunrise Creek was very interesting in April this year...
I'd really recommend going to Watkins and Wasoo and enjoy
and beyond that... I dunno.. Indian Ridge is safer and is just fabulous
Anyway, have fun and be safe
I probably wasn't too clear at the end there...
hmm... Ok, not too bad a look at Pywiak from Watkins...
Can see in my set from April of 2011
https://photos.google.com/album/AF1QipOdkG5AAyvtj9sfZwcte3qs0YURaSx5v3gLaU6FAsk more but I won't be back until May 21
Have fun